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Green Sheep and Cattle Pellet

Green Sheep and Cattle Pellet

Green Sheep and Cattle Pellet is a premium quality and certified organic supplement suitable for cattle, sheep, goats and alpacas. The addition of BioChar Activated™ will increase weight gain, improve feed conversion ratio, decrease manure odour and improve the health and wellbeing of your animals. 

The addition of BioChar Activated™ will increase weight gain, improve feed conversion ratio, decrease methane emissions and improve the health and wellbeing of your sheep and cattle. 


Green Sheep and Cattle Stockfeed blends Certified Organic grains and protein meals with BioChar Activated™ Feed Additive, to provide your herd with essential mineral and vitamin requirements for optimum health and productivity. 



Formulated to provide essential minerals for sheep and cattle, taking into consideration the requirements and differences of foraging behavior, age and stage of production.The key ingredient is our BioChar Activated™ Feed Additive which increases production through its ability to promote positive gut health and extend feed retention time which improves the Feed Conversion Ratio and aids in weight gain. 


Superior Health

The key ingredient is a specially formulated blend of BioChar Activated™ for animal ingestion to improve livestock health through favourable gut micro flora and removal of pathogenic flora (e.g. Campylobacter and Heliobacterium), aiding weight gain and ultimately improving the profitability of your beef/Sheep operation. 


Environmental Benefits 

Reduction in nitrogen loss and greenhouse gasses (reduced odour) due to enhanced Cation Exchange Capacity, decreased Ureolytic activity, and decreased PH or aeration. The value of manure is also improved creating a more stable fertiliser with higher nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium values and stable carbon to add to your soil.


View Green Sheep and Cattle Pellet Brochure

  • Nutritional Analysis

    CRUDE PROTEIN 20.6% ENERGY (ME) 12.6 MJ/Kg
    FIBRE (NDF) 12% CALCIUM 1.2%
    PHOSPHORUS 0.6% FAT 8.5%
    STARCH 19% SALT 1.7%
    MAGNESIUM 0.4% COPPER 2.53 ppm
    SELENIUM 2 ppm VIT A 1.6 Kiu
  • Availability

    25kg bags (GC110), 500kg bulk bags (GC111), 1000kg bulk bags (GC112), bulk.

  • What is Activated BioChar™?

    BioChar Activated™ Additive is produced by heating biomass at high temperatures with controlled oxygen. It is highly porous and consequently has good absorption qualities. This means BioChar Activated™ is very good at retaining water, toxins and bacteria. These qualities cause BioChar Activated™ to slow digestion and increase gastrointestinal tract surface area, allowing for improved feed conversion ratios and production.

    View Activated BioChar Brochure

  • Directions For Use

    Green Sheep and Cattle Pellet is not a complete feed. It must be fed in conjunction with roughage or pasture grazing.

    This ration must be introduced slowly to allow the rumen to adapt and to prevent ruminal acidosis. Over a 3-week period, gradually increase the amount of pellets fed and reduce the amount of roughage fed.

    Ensure that fresh, cool and clean drinking water is available at all times.

  • Feeding Rates

    Green Sheep and Cattle Pellet can be used for the following conditions as a guide only:


    Sheep: Feed up to 2% of bodyweight.

    Stage of Development Feed Intake (Kg / Head / Day)
    Lambs 0.1 - 0.3
    Ewes with lambs 0.5 - 1


    Cattle: Feed up to 2% of bodyweight.

    Stage of Development Feed Intake (Kg / Head / Day)
    Weaners 1 - 2
    Steers 2 - 4
    Cows with calves 4 - 6


    Goats: Feed up to 1.5% of bodyweight.

    Stage of Development Feed Intake (Kg / Head / Day)
    Growing goats 0.4 - 0.5
    Adults 0.8 - 0.9


    Alpacas: Feed up to 1% of bodyweight. Roughage should make up no less than 50% of the animal’s total dry matter intake.

    Stage of Development Feed Intake (Kg / Head / Day)
    Growing alpacas 0.2- 0.4
    Adults 0.4 - 0.7

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PO Box 3013


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7696 Bruxner Highway



+61 2 6664 5145


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